Community Cat Update:
Kitsap Humane Society currently has very limited capacity to intake or house any healthy feral or community cats – specifically, cats that are not able to be handled and must be caught in a humane cat trap in order to be safely brought to our shelter.
If there is a feral or community cat on your property that you wish to bring to the shelter for rehoming, or you have a colony of cats that you are feeding (10 or more neighborhood cats), please email for information about making an appointment to bring the cat to the shelter. PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT WALK-IN DROP-OFFS OF TRAPPED CATS, AND AN APPOINTMENT IS REQUIRED.
What is a Community Cat?
“Community Cat” is an umbrella definition that includes any un-owned cats. Community cats may be “feral” (unsocialized) or friendly, may have been born into the wild, or might be lost or abandoned pet cats who have been living outside.
Compassionate neighbors care for many community cats and provide food, water, and even outdoor shelter. Other cats thrive in our temperate climate without any human intervention.
Whatever a cat’s individual circumstances, the term “community cat” reflects the reality that for these cats, “home” is within the community rather than in an individual household.
Kitsap Humane Society believes that community cats should be kept out of the shelter. We promote Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR), which has proven to be the most effective, humane method of reducing community cat populations. Through TNR, community cats are humanely trapped, vaccinated, spayed/neutered, ear-tipped, and returned to their outdoor home to live out their lives.

Price Reduced! $30 Spay/Neuter for Feral Cats
Do you help care for a feral/community cat colony? Or do you have feral cats living in your neighborhood?
Kitsap Humane Society is here to help, with $30 spay/neuter surgeries for feral or community cats ONLY (no pets included).
Here are some of the details:
- You must trap and transport the community/feral cats to and from the shelter.
- Traps can be borrowed from KHS with a $100 refundable deposit per trap.
- Pets (owned animals) are not included in this offer.
- Kittens must be over the age of 8 weeks and weigh at least 2 pounds to be eligible for surgery
- Includes mandatory ear-tipping, rabies & FVCRP (distemper) vaccines.
- Community cat surgery is by appointment only and can be booked here.
- Surgeries are performed Mondays through Fridays.
- KHS does not have the capacity to house community cats overnight. Please be prepared to drop off in the morning and pick up the same day (drop off windows are: 7:15 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. and pick up is between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.).
- Plan to trap the cat an evening or two before your appointment.
- Do not give the cat any food after midnight the evening before your appointment (a little water is OK).
- You will receive more detailed instructions about our drop-off and pick-up protocols when your appointment is confirmed.
- If you have questions about the feral cat surgery scheduling system, please contact for support.
Thank you for helping cats and reducing kitty overpopulation in our community!