Our News Archive: 2011

The ASPCA Challenge: Rescue, Right Click, Rehome

August 10, 2011

Who would have thought a simple email or your Facebook account could save lives? Perhaps we’re asking the wrong audience this. You after all are responsible for a revolution in the way animal welfare is practiced: bringing shelters into the digital age. So, what have we accomplished? Well, thanks to you KHS is one of… Read Entire Story »

It takes an Army to win the 2011 ASPCA Challenge…

August 9, 2011

…well in our case it takes a Navy! Are you part of the USS Nimitz family? The amazing sailors of the USS Nimitz have arrived time and again to finish large projects for the Kitsap Humane Society. Thanks to their efforts we are clean, organized, and properly equipped for the ASPCA Challenge. So if you… Read Entire Story »

How is the ASPCA Challenging Us Today?

The ASPCA is challenging U.S. shelters to improve operations and maximize lifesaving. Many routes exist for that lifesaving, most important of which is working together. Today the challenge is to maintain our energy and enthusiasm as participating shelters finish their first week. Many great things have been accomplished which makes it more important now than… Read Entire Story »

A Proactive Approach to Saving Lives

Each day at Kitsap Humane Society, in the early hours of the morning, the shelter is unlocked and the pets awake, excited for the new day and the hope of finding their forever homes. For some of them, the day holds a milestone not quite as exciting, but just as important – because today is… Read Entire Story »

What can you do to save a life?

August 8, 2011

At your typical animal shelter, life saving takes on many, many forms. Sometimes lives are saved through surgery, sometimes through training, sometimes they are saved with the right words to a visiting client. Every time, it takes unique individuals. Stop by any community and ask about the local animal shelter. Chances are you’ll hear about… Read Entire Story »

Calling all Kitsap Alumni: Please Come Home

There is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!! Kitsap Humane Society is calling out to all our folks who once lived in this amazing region and we need help reaching them. So many of us have moved around in this fast-paced world, and we know a great portion of you personally understand the magic of this area…. Read Entire Story »

The Importance of Adoption Outreach

August 5, 2011

Adoption Outreach is an important aspect of Kitsap Humane Society. Many people simply cannot visit the shelter for various reasons. So the shelter goes to them! We take animals to various locations and adopt them out to their new forever homes. Over the past few years we have averaged over 300 animals. We have the unique experience… Read Entire Story »

Save a Life, Spin the Tornado Wheel

August 4, 2011

Because there’s no place like home, follow the yellow brick road to Kitsap Humane Society and save a life today! As part of the ASPCA $100K Challenge, KHS is on a serious mission to save even more lives than last year. We’ve already set a personal best record for number of adoptions in one day… Read Entire Story »

Two Great Events This Weekend!

Aug. 6 – Visit us at Woofstock, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Todd Field on the campus of the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma. Rescue and adoption groups from all around the state will join pet related businesses and non-profits, along with great local musicians for a day of adoptions, music, shopping and… Read Entire Story »

Crisis with King County Law Changes

Sadly, if you have seen the news you know another pit bull made headlines for a bite attack while hundreds of equally serious bites made by dogs of other breeds missed the news. Clearly, the pit bull in question does not meet the breed requirements of being a true pit bull. If you didn’t know,… Read Entire Story »