Our News Archive: 2015

Boonie is one laid-back dude!

June 23, 2015

Hi! My name is Boonie (Intake #45806) and I’m a super handsome male Pit Bull mix and I’m built like a tank. I was found on the streets as a stray, so the shelter staff don’t know my exact age, but they think I’m around 8 years old. When I first arrived at Kitsap Humane… Read Entire Story »

Dogs and Fireworks!

I have nothing against fireworks on the Fourth of July. It’s tradition after all – and a fitting way to commemorate our country’s independence. What does concern me, however, is the launching of fire crackers weeks before the Fourth and in the weeks following, mainly because the extended celebration is pure torture for my three… Read Entire Story »

Meet Rex, your future best friend

June 17, 2015

Hi! My name is Rex (Intake #37861) and I’m a handsome, portly guy with striking white and black moo cow coloring. I was surrendered to the shelter for having accidents in the house, but shelter staff think that was related to living with another cat. I’ve been staying in an office since being back at… Read Entire Story »

Grant received from BISSELL Pet Foundation

June 16, 2015

This week, Kitsap Humane Society was thrilled to become the recipient of a grant from the BISSELL Pet Foundation! KHS was chosen out of 129 animal welfare organizations to receive a grant of $3,150 to support our growing foster care program. In 2014 over 800 animals went through KHS’ foster care program, and in 2015 that number is… Read Entire Story »

FREE Cat Day Friday June 12th!

June 10, 2015

Kitsap Humane Society is FULL of cats, so we’re having a Meow Luau on Friday, June 12th with FREE adoptions for all cats over six months old! As the weather warms in the spring, cats begin to procreate, and roam outdoors more, leading to higher numbers of cats arriving at the shelter. Unfortunately only a small… Read Entire Story »

Buddy Wants To Be Your New Pal

June 9, 2015

Hi! My name is Buddy (Intake #45458) and I’m a super cute scruffy boy looking for a new family. I arrived at the shelter after being found wandering around the streets so the staff don’t know much about my history, but they think I’m probably about 11 years old. But I don’t act my age… Read Entire Story »

Meet Bentley!

May 27, 2015

Hi! My name is Bentley (Intake #44225) and I’m a 5-year-old Min Pin mix looking for a home where I can have all the attention to myself. I am super athletic and love going on walks and hikes. I would enjoy nose work or other dog activities that will give my busy mind a good… Read Entire Story »

Gaining a New Pack Member

May 4, 2015

Thank you for being there for Kyna! It’s always a challenge to introduce a new personality into the pack. I’m sure glad I went with my “gut feeling” and brought her home. Turns out she is very friendly and outgoing! She loves to meet new people and dogs. She is fearless. When she wants to… Read Entire Story »

Found Kittens? What You Should (and Should Not!) Do

April 3, 2015

Our recent warm winter and early spring means a long and fertile kitten season is on its way. During kitten season, it is common to find a nest of unattended kittens that seem to have been abandoned by their mother. When people make these discoveries, the first impulse is to scoop up the kittens to… Read Entire Story »

A Community Cats Success Story

March 2, 2015

Sometimes – after repeatedly dealing with uncooperative caretakers, disgruntled neighbors, sick or injured cats, and vague reports of feral colonies that cannot be located – Trap/Neuter/Return advocates and volunteers can begin to feel overwhelmed, disillusioned, and even discouraged. But then something happens that makes the time and effort all worthwhile, and reminds us why we… Read Entire Story »