Our News Archive: 2010


December 8, 2010

DECLAWING A CAT IS INHUMANE AND IN SOME STATES ILLEGAL. Why is declawing cats illegal in some states? Answer: In some countries and states, declawing is considered illegal and inhumane. Before you make the decision to declaw your cat, there are some important facts you should know. Declawing is not like a manicure. It is… Read Entire Story »

A letter from our Executive Director

Animal shelters serve the community as we know, but who is the community? Today the word means so much more as each of our Facebook Friends is aware. At the same time our world seems smaller and more connected. Social media like Facebook has literally meant the difference between life and death for those we… Read Entire Story »

A Day in the Life of a KHS Foster Family: Petey the Tripod

December 4, 2010

Ever wondered exactly what it is like when a family takes in a foster dog or cat? This blog will detail our family’s experience taking in a Medical Foster Dog from the Kitsap Humane Society. Check in for frequent updates! Day 1: We brought Petey home from the shelter yesterday. Petey is a young male… Read Entire Story »

Foster Families Needed for Puppies

December 3, 2010

We need immediate recruitment for community individuals interested in volunteering as a foster for puppies. Puppy season has begun! We know we are not currently accepting applications for volunteers, but we can have interested parties complete the foster application that is posted online and then email it to hdahl@kitsap-humane.org We will then notify them of… Read Entire Story »

Santa Paws 2010

Lend Santa a paw by collecting donations for the homeless pets at the Kitsap Humane Society! Join other businesses like Bainbridge Cinemas, Historic Port Orchard Cinema, Olympic Cinemas and The Historic Lynwood Cinema, in collecting donation for the homeless pets in our community. Donations will be used to help the animals at the Kitsap Humane… Read Entire Story »

Got Skills? We can use them!

November 29, 2010

There are so many ways you can help animals in need in your community. There are opportunities to walk dogs or socialize cats but there are also many other tasks that may better suit your skills or lifestyle. Do you like to take pictures, make videos or have a background in graphic design? How about… Read Entire Story »

An Expression of Sincere Gratitude

November 26, 2010

We hope that every had a safe and warm Thanksgiving holiday. The past week was certainly an unusual and incredible one thanks to the early and severe snow, ice, and ensuing power outages. We have many volunteers to thank for their support in helping to ensure that our animals were kept safe, warm, and well… Read Entire Story »

KHS Specials, Events, and Activities Reminder

November 24, 2010

Join us for Posing Pets with Santa, and have your pets photo taken with Santa. This annual activity is scheduled for December 4 from 11:30 to 3 in the KHS Training Center. The KHS behavior team is offering $90 three session Holiday training bundles. Customers can also purchase gift certificates. Details can be found on… Read Entire Story »

Shelter on Limited Capacity on Wednesday, November 24

The shelter is still without power and it is unknown when it will be restored.  KHS will be closed today, Wednesday, to the public.  All scheduled low cost surgeries are canceled. Our phone service will be restored as soon as possible. Although our animals are being kept warm and safe, we are in need of… Read Entire Story »