Keeping Your Pets Safe This Holiday Season

September 8, 2022

Whether you’re celebrating Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, or the New Year, it is important to keep your pet’s safety in mind! Here are a few tips to keep the festivities filled with fun and safe:
Don’t give in to begging! 

Those big ol’ puppy eyes and tiny meows might tempt you, but you should not feed your pet table scraps! Consumption of fatty foods such as turkey, butter, and gravies can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain triggered by pancreatitis inflammation. Foods containing dough and yeast can also cause painful gas or even be poisonous when ingested, and corn cobs or discarded turkey bones can result in gastrointestinal injuries.

Prepare your pet their own special meal

Want your pets to join in on the fun of festive feasts? Many brands offer turkey and pumpkin-flavored food that your pet can enjoy without experiencing a tummy ache. Try serving up seasonal flavored pet food to include your furry friends in on the fun!

Plan pre-festivity exercise

If you’re hosting this year’s feast, make sure your pet gets plenty of time to run around and tire themselves out. Doing so can put anxious pets at ease, allowing them to relax before your guests arrive.

Beware of costumes and attire that might spook your pet

Whether you’re dressing up in a costume or you plan on dressing your pet in the cutest holiday attire, make sure that they are comfortable in and around these festive outfits. Remember that some masks and suits can be scary to pets of all sizes! And while their own costumes may be quite cute, it is always important to make sure that they are comfortable and happy.

Make sure hazardous decorations are out of reach

Pumpkins, candles, confetti, and tinsel galore! While these things make the holidays magical, it is important to keep your pet’s safety in mind. The ingestion of holiday decor can lead to pet emergencies and might lead to spending the holidays at an emergency pet care center instead of with friends and family. Always remember to keep hazardous decor out of your pet’s reach!

Don’t leave the trash unattended

Soon after dinner, you might hear your pet’s little nose sniffing around the trash can, searching for the scraps that they had so faithfully begged for. Animals are mischievously resourceful and will scavenge through the trash for leftovers. Prevent your pet from dumpster diving by making sure all garbage is disposed of in a tightly secured trash bag placed in a covered trash bin outdoors.

Do license your pets!

Renewing or getting your pet licensed is so important! All the hustle, bustle, and holiday cheer might seem welcoming to us, but it can be overwhelming and scary for your pets. Some pets may slip out the door and wander far from home in search of a safe place to relax. If your pet is lost, a license can help identify where they belong and get them home quickly and safely.