Free Pet Wellness Class This Saturday

October 13, 2011

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 Kitsap Humane Society is hosting free wellness classes for the public every Saturday in October! You won’t want to miss these informative sessions from our own shelter veterinarians Dr. Melissa Kehl and Dr. Jen Stonequist. The following classes are scheduled:

Dental Health & Nutrition
Sat., October 15
1—2 p.m.
KHS Training Center

Join our shelter veterinarians in a discussion about dental disease, tips for prevention and the health significance for our pets. Some aspects of nutrition for dogs and cats will be discussed.

Household Toxins
Sat., October 22
1—2 p.m.
KHS Training Center
Learn what common household items such as plants, food toxicities and chemicals can be hazardous and life-threatening to our furry friends. Come listen to find out how to ensure your home is a safe haven for your pets.

Parasites 101
Sat., October 29
1—2 p.m.
KHS Training Center
A dog and cat version of “Monsters Inside Me,” learn all you need to know about internal and external parasites. Everything from routine prevention to treatment will be covered.