A letter from our Executive Director
December 8, 2010
Animal shelters serve the community as we know, but who is the community? Today the word means so much more as each of our Facebook Friends is aware. At the same time our world seems smaller and more connected. Social media like Facebook has literally meant the difference between life and death for those we serve at Kitsap Humane Society. It has brought together partner organizations to serve the greater good, created resources that did not exist, and helped rehome animals in jeopardy. For decade after decade, the traditional model of shelters has tried to solve suffering due to pet overpopulation and neglect. If anything, the problem is worse than ever thanks to growing human populations, lack of focus on prevention, and lack of laws needed to protect both animals and humans. Progressive welfare organizations know there is one critical component that must be included: Outreach. True outreach is based upon prevention, education, and communication. This is where social media enters the picture. Suddenly shelters are able to reach and ENGAGE so many more dedicated and willing rescuers. Social media brings you closer to our partnership community, and enables each voice to have so much greater impact. You our friends have redefined the Kitsap community, and at the same time have carried our life affirming message far and wide. Thanks to you we have set an historic record for the number of lives saved annually at KHS, an historic record for the number of preventative spay/neuter surgeries performed, completed most of our 5 year strategic plan in just 2 years, and created a culture based firmly on compassion and wisdom. Today, critically needed supplies are donated in-kind at record numbers just in time to help families and animals without anything in this holiday season. Most importantly thanks to you, we firmly recognize 2010 Year of the Cat by finally dedicating resources to felines that shelters have ignored for decades. This holiday, we gift our felines with their first free roam space, expanded condo housing units, first feline therapy space, record adoptions and transfers, record euthanasia lows, and veterinary improvements. Not a bad holiday to be a cat at KHS! Thank you each, please continue championing this wonderful cause, and please continue demanding that all animal welfare organizations seek to place both humans and animals as the number one priority. Help by friending and outreaching to needed rescuers to join our cause! Rescue, Rehabilitate, Rehome. Sean Compton Executive Director Did You Know? KHS Social Media Outreach is 100% volunteer run and supported. Friend now and save a life. Kitsap-Humane.org FaceBook.com/KitsapHumaneSociety twitter.com/@kitsaphumanesoc