“Pulling: Stop the Madness” Kitsap Humane Society Offers Leash Skills Workshop
October 1, 2010
On Saturday October 9th attend a 2 hour “Pulling: Stop the Madness!” Leash workshop at Kitsap Humane Society from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. in KHS’s Training Center.
Individuals interested in learning proper leash handling techniques and training are welcome to attend. The workshop is presented by behaviorist Deana Case, one of KHS’s trainers. Cost is $15 for skills to last a lifetime. Space is limited so please RSVP to dcase@kitsap-humane.org
Class Content: “Is walking your dog a real drag? Does your wrist look threaded after a walk due to the leash cutting into your arm? Do feel like your dog walks all over you?” If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, know that you are not alone and that help is available.
The workshop will provide attendees with the skills needed to walk their dog on leash without pulling. Topics covered will be on leash focus, a brief review of popular anti-pulling training tools such as head collars, no-pull harnesses, and various training collars, how to handle distractions and effective handling skills.
This workshop is for social, non-aggressive dogs over the age of six months. A workshop for dogs with dog to dog aggression issues will be available in the near future. Workshop attendees should bring poop clean up bags, a six foot leash, a non-slip collar (such as a martingale, NO CHOKE CHAINS), current shot records for their dog and a cup and a half of high value, soft training treats. Training treats should be about the size of a pea. Suggested treats are Natural Balance log, freeze dried liver, cheese chunks or string cheese, unseasoned baked chicken or cooked turkey hot dogs.